Relates to KRS 200.503(3) and 90715:065, 15:055, and 908 KAR 2:260. Per KRS 200.501-200.509. - Children with a SED who are receiving institutional care or are at risk of institutional placement shall be given priority for services pursuant to KRS 200.501-200.509.

Name of Client

The following illustrates the criteria that shall be met for an individual to be designated as SED. In order to make an SED determination, Sections 1,2 and 4 are required and at least two of five in Section 3.

Please note that when this form is printed only areas marked yes will appear on the form. Any no responses will not show on this web based form.

Section 1

Age: Is the person under age 18 or under age 21 who was receiving services prior to eighteenth birthday and that must be continued for therapeutic benefit.

Section 2

Diagnosis: * Individual with a clinically significant disorder of thought, mood, perception, orientation, memory or behavior that is listed in the current edition of the APA's Diagnostic an dStatistical Manual of Mental Disorders. * Excldues those children who are singularly diagnosed with intellectual disability.


Section 3

Limitations: Presents substantial limitation in a least 2 of the following 5 areas that have persisted for at least 1 year or are judged by a behavioral health professional to be at high risk of continuing for 1 year without professional intervention:

NOTE: For early childhood functioning, major impairments undermine the fundamental foundation of healthy functioning by: Rarely or minimally seeking comfort in distress; Limited positive affect and excessive levels of irritability, sadness or fear: Disruptions in feeding and sleeping patterns; Failure, even in unfamiliar settings, to check back with adult caregivers after venturing away; Willingness to go off with an unfamiliar adult with minimal or no hesitation; Regression of previously learned skills; keep friends; Inability to share

Section 4

Clear Signature
MM slash DD slash YYYY